Google TV

"I liked how seamless The Jukebox App was to use. It worked a lot better than just using Spotify."

University of Cincinnati Student


"I love going to my favorite place and watching the songs I put up displayed with the Amazon Fire Stick."

Android User


"I'll never think of a college party the same way again."

Miami of Ohio Student


“Always fun to see what music folks want to play and who's song gets up voted or down voted. Ability to have it display on a tv using Fire TV is great!”

iOS User


"I love this app! It let's the crowd choose the vibe."

University of Dayton Student

Available Platforms

The Jukebox App is available for iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows, Google TV, Android TV and Amazon Fire TV devices.

All platforms are free to use!


The Jukebox App was designed with the end user in mind.

Smart Playlist

We clone your base playlist into a brand new playlist so your original list remains unchanged.

Swipe to Remove

Hosts can swipe right on any song to remove it from the queue completely. Hosts can also "purge" (bulk remove) songs with -X or fewer votes at any time, where X is chosen by the host. Remove all songs with -2 votes or fewer, for instance.

Democratic Voting

Songs are played in the order of most-voted. Hosts get unlimited votes, guests get three votes (up or down) per song. Guests get new votes every time the song changes.


Nicknames let other guests see who requested which songs. The ability to view nicknames can be disabled and enabled on the TV app.

Unlimited Song Requests

Hosts can give guests unlimited song requests if they enable it in their menu. It's the menu opion "Limit Song Requests" which can be toggled to allow unlimited requests.


Import Your Playlists

Guests and Hosts can import their Spotify playlists so they can add their favorite songs directly from their playlists.

Host Vote Options

Hosts can remove all songs with -X or fewer votes, where X is entered by the Host. Hosts can also reset all votes to 0 at any time.

Admin Guest Mode

Guests can enter the Admin Password to unlock unlimited votes and the ability to remotely control playback on the Host's device.

Disable Song Requests

Hosts can disable guests ability to add songs to the playlist. Guests can still vote on the original playlist's songs. Just toggle "Allow Song Requests" to OFF in the menu.


Guests who answer a music related trivia question correctly will have the ability to change songs at will for 5 minutes, if the host has "Allow Admin Access" toggled on.






iTunes Rank


Awesome App

About Us

A little bit about how The Jukebox App came to be.

Our founder was at a college party with his cousin and saw an opportunity to enhance the experience.

After seeing three guys huddled around a computer (this was in 2012) - debating what song to play next - it clicked.. "Surely there's a better way."

A few years later, when The Jukebox App was in "stealth," another use case presented itself in the form of a road trip. The driver on this road trip grew tired of passing the AUX cord around and suggested that we have one person DJ.

The good news is that there is now a better way.

Check out The Jukebox App and let us know what you think!

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes! You can set up a Spotify "Group Session" to accomplish this.

Have the Host of the party (whoever set up the party using The Jukebox App) send you their Group Session link and you'll be able to listen on your phone too.

Yes! You can choose your Sonos speaker in the Spotify mobile app. If you're hosting on a computer you can choose "Change Playback Device" in the menu and then select Sonos in the Spotify mobile app.

Nope! After you set up your first party, each subseqent party is a breeze.

All you have to do from then on is tap or click "Host a Party" and you'll be sent straight to the queue screen to pick up where you left off.

Yes! You can toggle guest's ability to change songs ON and OFF in the menu.

It's the menu option labeled "Allow Admin Access." The default is set to ON. Toggle this OFF to prevent them from skipping songs.

Admin access gives guests elevated privliges. Guests you give the Admin Password to can remove songs from the queue, control playback from their phone and add more votes and songs more often. We recommend you give yourself Admin Access if you're hosting on a device other than your phone - so you can better control the queue.

Yes! You can change the Party Name and Admin Password in the menu under the option 'Change Codes.'

Changing the Party Name will kick everyone out of your party - so leave it blank or type in the current party name to keep the party going!

Yes! You can toggle guest's ability to vote ON and OFF in the menu.

It's the menu option labeled "Allow Guest Voting." The default is set to ON. Toggle this OFF to prevent them from voting.

That's a web app we run on Heroku (an AWS tool) for initial party setup. We plan on changing the intial setup link to a subdomain of but haven't made that change yet.

The reason you log in through a browser is because of Android and iOS's securty policies regarding OAUTH.

It is now required that any user authentication that uses OAUTH (like logging in to Spotify) uses a web browser.

Yes, you can currently cross-fade songs if you host in the Android app. Just choose the "X-FADE" option, under the currently playing song's metadata in the queue.

I plan on adding this feature to iOS but it might be a bit before that happens, bear with me.

Cross-fading is not possible with the Desktop or TV versions of this app.

Yes, you can delete your data by hosting on a mobile device and selecting "Delete Account" in the menu.

You should also go to and 'deauthorize' The Jukebox App if you no longer plan to use our service.


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